Chandi Chamundi Jaya Vaishnavi Devi
Chandi Chamundi Jaya Vaishnavi Devi Ma
Mahisha Samhaarini Mangala Roopini Jaya Maha Kaali Ma
Chandi Chamundi Jaya Mangala Gowri Ma
Bhava Bhaya Harini Pashupathi Mohini Jaya Jaya Lalitey Ma
Jagadodharini Jaya Bhavadharini Jaya Jaya Devi Ma
Trishoola Dharini Trinetra Dharini Jaya Jaya Durge Ma

Victory to Mother Durga, Mother of the Universe who bestows auspiciousness and removes the fear of worldly existence. She is also Mother Kali who slew the demon Mahisha. She is the consort of Shiva and the one who fosters all beings. Victory to Mother Durga, the three-eyed one who holds the Trident.

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