Sai Pancharatna Kritis - Charana Sevanam
Charana Sevanam Parama Paavanam
Madhuram Madhuram Sai Roopa Naamam

Arishadvarga Haranam Harishadvarga Varadam
Apaarajana Parivarthana Daksham

Kaarunya Laavanya Kamaneeya Gaathram

1. Akhanda Vibhuthi Vaibhava Sundaram

2. Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Maanavathaa Moolya Sambharitam

3. Vinaya Bhaasura Mrudhu Subhaashana Sahana Sheela Thyaagamaya Roopa

4. Pancha Bhoothaadhaara Sarvajeevanaadhaara
Sarvavyaapaka, Sarva Shakthi Maya, Sarvajna

5. Vaathsalyaadhi Gunojwala Sai Sadayaa
Aadhyaathmika Soothrathraya Bodhanaa Chathura
Bhakthasakhaa Chitthaakaasha Jnaana Bhaaskara

6. Maatha Pitha Gurudaivamu Mari Sakhudavu Neevainaavu
Puraajanma Paramparaagatha Mokshadaayaka Punyaphalam
Bhakthaaliki Paramanidhaanam Amulya Mooladhanam

7. Animishula Keesu Janimpaga Anthevaasula Darishana Vela
Pari Pari Natanala Joopuchu
Kushalamuladuguchu, Lekhala Chekonuchu
Abhaya Mosaguchoo, Naa Hakku Meeranuchoo, Mee Vaada Nenanuchu
Sathkeerthinondaga Santhasinthunatanchu Sarvamuthaaneyai
Brathukubaatanu Poodotaga Chesina Hrudaya Brundaavana Vanamaali

Maa Tanuvu Needi Maa Talapu Needi
Maa Hrudhi Velugu Roopu Needi
Prema Sougandhikaabharithamou Maa Jeevana Kalhaarame
Needhu Charana Yugaliki Nivaali

--------- Sai Pancharatna Kritis - 3 ---------

Serving the lotus feet is the most auspicious. Sai's name and form are most nectarous and sweet.
Vanquisher of the six vices, bestower of the six divine qualities (Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema, Ahimsa and Thyaaga) and the One who has the ability to transform multitudes of people.
The One whose enchanting voice is full of compassion and charm.
1. The beautiful One of endless glory and grandeur.
2. The One who is embodiment of Truth, Auspiciousness and Beauty and repository of human values.
3. The One who is radiant with humility, sweet in speech and forbearing by nature has sacrifice as His form.
4. The One who is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, and is the basis of all five elements and all lives.
5. Sai's compassion glows with motherly love. He teaches the trilogy of the spiritual principles. He is the dearest friend of His devotees and who is the effulgent knowledge in their minds.
6. You have become our mother, father, preceptor, friend and God. You are that good fortune that can liberate us from all our past actions and lineage. You are the supreme spiritual home and the invaluable treasure for devotees.
7. Even the gods are jealous of the Anthevaasis (those who have Swami's proximity) when You grant them darshan and bless them through various divine acts, enquiring about their welfare, accepting their letters and bestowing fearlessness, declaring, "You are Mine. I am yours and I will be happy when you get a good name for yourselves", You have become everything for us. You are the gardener of our hearts who has transformed our path of life into a flowery garden. Our body is Yours; Our thoughts are Yours; The form which is shining in our hearts is Yours! We reverentially offer our lives as a garland fragrant with the nectar of love at Your Lotus Feet.
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