Kamala Nayana Ram Vimala Charana
Kamala Nayana Ram Vimala Charana Ram
Kamala Nayana Vimala Charana Patitha Pavana Ram
Patitha Pavana Ram Janaki Jeevana Ram
Patitha Pavana Janaki Jeevana Paapa Vimochana Ram
Ayodhya Vasi Ram Ananda Chandha Ram
Ayodhya Vasi Ananda Chandha Patitha Pavana Ram
Dasharatha Nandana Ram Dasha Mukha Mardhana Ram
Dasharatha Nandana Dasha Mukha Mardhana Patitha Pavana Ram

We offer our salutations to Lord Rama, the lotus-eyed one, whose feet are pure and blemishless. He is the uplifter of the underprivileged, the remover of sins and the very life of Mother Janaki. Lord Rama is the King of Ayodhya and confers Bliss, is the son of King Dasharatha and the one who vanquished the ten-headed Ravana.

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