Hara Hara Gangey Hara Hara
Hara Hara Gangey Hara Hara
Hara Hara Gangey Hara Hara Gangey
Hey Nataraja Hey Shiva Raja Hara Hara Hara Hara Gangey [ Hara Hara ... ]
Parthi Pureeshwara Jaya Gangadhara
Hara (4) Gangey [ Hara Hara ... ]
Shankara Shiva Shankara Shiva Shankara Shankara Sai (2)
Let us chant the glorious name of Shiva who adorns the Ganges in His matted hair. Oh Shankara, You are the master of the divine dance and none other than Lord Sai, the resident of Parthi, who bestows auspiciousness.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
~ Natabhairavi
* showing details for Natabhairavi
This Raga is similar to the Asavari thaat of Hindustani music.
S R2 G1 M1 P D1 N1 S
S N1 D1 P M1 G1 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C D E♭ F G G# B♭ C
C B♭ G# G F E♭ D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Medium Fast
Reference Gents Pitch
5 Pancham / G
Reference Ladies Pitch
2 Pancham / D
Sheet Music
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Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
the sacred river ganges worshipped as goddess ganga; (var) gangey
one who bears the holy river ganga – lord shiva; (var) gangadharaya, gangadhari
another name of lord shiva which means “to destroy”; (var) haraya
a heartfelt callout, usually followed by a name or description like 'hey rama', or 'hey merciful lord'
victory; (var) jayam, jayatu
king of dance - refers to lord shiva who is the source of cosmic energy; (var) nataraja
lord of a place or city; (var) purishwara, pureeshwari, purishwari (f)
birthplace of bhagawan sri sathya sai baba; (var) parti, parthi, parthipuri
king, emperor; (var) raya, rajadhi raja – king of kings
sa + aai = divine mother
name of lord shiva, one who bestows auspiciousness; (var) shankar, shankaraya, shankaram
lord shiva - one of the trinity who is the destroyer - the name shiva means auspiciousness; (var) shiv, shivaya, shivaraj, shivaraja, shivarajam, shivom, shivani (f) - of shiva
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