Embodiments of Love!
The one who realises that the same Atma that dwells in him is in all other living beings will experience and enjoy divine proximity always. He may be a renunciant or a householder or a celibate or one who is attached to the world; one who realises the Atmic principle leads his life with the firm conviction that daiva sannidhi (divine proximity) is his pennidhi (greatest wealth).
What is the primary duty of man? He should make efforts to understand the teaching of the Gita,
Sarvatah panipadam tat sarvathokshi siromukham,
sarvatah sruthimalloke sarvamavruthya thishthati
With hands, feet, eyes, heads, mouth, and ears pervading everything,
He permeates the entire universe.
You should realise the truth that the principle of Atma that is present in all beings is one and the same. Since man is unable to understand his true nature, he is facing all kinds of problems in life. He is deluded by the thinking that he is the body. Consequently, he is forgetting his...