Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 16 (1983)
Topic - Excerpt from Divine Discourse
Ceiling on desires - I

As I have often said you should have your "Hands in society and heads in the forest". This should be your guiding principle. What little you do you must do with a good and pure heart. In the Bhagavathgeetha, Krishna has referred to "Pathram, Phalam, Pushpam, Thoyam" (that is, leaf, fruit, flower or water) that can be offered to God. I am pleased with any of these provided it is offered with sincere devotion. What is 'pathram'? It is not the 'leaf' that you see around you. The inner meaning is that your body itself is the leaf. Flower is not the one in the plants but it is the flower of your heart, "Hridhaya Pushpam". 'Phalam' is not the ordinary fruit but 'Manophalam' (the fruit of your mind). 'Thoyam' means water but what is referred to here is not the water from the river or tap. It refers to the tears of joy welling up within you from a sincere and prayerful heart.